Friday, February 12, 2010

What Were You Doing?

I stayed home with Aiden today as he is recovering from the flu. He got sick Wednesday night so Rob and I split the duties. Rob stayed home with him on Thursday and I took today. While Rob's sick day included a motionless boy on the couch and a 3 and 1/2 hour nap, mine has been the complete opposite. Aiden was pretty much back in business last night and was up raring to go at 6:30 this morning. He has been on one all day. First, a minor but important detail: Aiden has a large body pillow on his bed that runs all the way down one bed rail. We were downstairs and he was not being very pleasant. I asked him to please go to his room until he was ready to be nicer. He stomped up the stairs as hard as he could. I followed shortly after and asked him to please not stomp up the stairs. As I walked back down the stairs I heard him mumble "goodbye" under his breath and then he closed his door. And although he would have liked me to be saddened I was excited to catch some of the Ellen Show. Sometime later I thought that I heard him crying. I headed up the stairs and soon realized that he was pretty hysterical. I opened the door and he was sitting up on his bed, trapped inside the large body pillow's case from his bed. The case is about two feet longer than him and somehow he had gotten all the way inside of it and was laying on the closed end. He really could not get out. I could not help but burst into laughter. He heard me and started screaming "Help me mom, I'm trapped!" I could barely contain myself while getting him out. After I had freed him I asked him what he was doing? He said that he was trying to put it on like a "hop sack" and then he got trapped. He told me that he had yelled and yelled for help, but that I didn't come and so he started crying. Again I laughed. He adamantly said, "It's not funny mommy, that was a very dangerous situation." I still cannot stop laughing! Bless his little heart.....

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