Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wyoming Cowboy's Football Game

On September 4th Rob and I dropped Aiden off in Kemmerer with Grandma Janie and Grandpa Darrell so that we could head to Laramie to see a Wyoming Cowboys game courtesy of Rob's new boss. Thanks to my cousin Marcus Rob got a new job with a great company. Every year the owner, Bruce Pivic, takes all of his employees and their families to an all inclusive home game and overnight stay. He is a Cowboy's junkie! We wanted some mom and dad time and Aiden wanted some grandparent time. We mostly hung out with another new employee named Jesse and his wife Devon. They have the cutest little boys and since they brought them I got some baby time, which is like my favorite thing in the whole world. The Cowboy's won which is always a bonus when you are actually at the game. I went to Kemmerer on Monday to pick up Aiden and when I got there he was too busy to leave right away. He was at Grandma and Grandpa's store and told me "Mom, I work here now and I have some things I need to finish up." So he helped Grandma restock some lettuce and we were on our way. Aiden loved the souvenir we brought him. He wanted to wear it in the car but it just wouldn't fit so he had to wait until we got home.

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