Sunday, March 13, 2011

Preschool Valentine's Party

On February 9th Aiden and I prepped some valentines for all of his preschool friends. His party was on Thursday the 10th. The class put on a couple of plays. Aiden was in the "Three Little Pigs" play. To begin with he was Pig #1. After the curtain closed however, with all of the parents listening and waiting, one of Aiden's classmates became hysterical and was refusing to play the Big Bad Wolf. Aiden very loudly told Miss MerLee that Jonas could be Pig #1 and Aiden would be the wolf. I was so proud that he was being thoughtful, and then came.... "I always have to tell him what to say anyways so I know all of his lines." I must say he was a pretty good Big Bad Wolf and he took his new part very seriously. He is so dramatic, which in turn makes him so good at drama.

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